Take your post-purchase process to the next level! Be the first to experience returngo logo

Be the first to experience returngo logo

We’re on a mission to save
eCommerce and the planet

From inefficient returns and exchanges.

ReturnGO keeps returns policies friendly to
customers, merchants, and the environment.

Incentivize sustainable returns behavior among customers.

Focus on inefficiencies in reverse logistics.

Implement resale programs or donate returned items to charities.

Leverage post-purchase data to improve products and optimize return rates.
Enable merchants to continuously measure their ESG impact.

Provide more eco-friendly logistics options.

The facts are alarming

Each year in the US, between 5-10 billion pounds of returned products end up in landfills.

Even with retailers’ best efforts, there’s never going to be zero waste.

The good news is more than 3 out of 4 return requests can be handled in a more effective way.
Our purpose is giving you the tools to make this happen!

See the impact we’re making

CO2 saved so far

20808 Kg

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Meet the innovators making post-purchase more sustainable
Offer in-person, box-free returns.

Donate unsellable returned items
and divert them from landfills.

We’re forging partnerships with
recycling and recommerce
solutions. Watch this space.

Measureability is Key
to Sustainability

It’s not rocket science. Measuring more lets you save more: on emissions, energy, packaging waste, employee time, and, of course, your company’s revenue. ReturnGO goes further in enabling online stores to track and measure data across the entire post-purchase process, so you can continuously optimize your return strategies and policies and take concrete steps to making your eCommerce more sustainable with every return.

Use our deep data insights to

Provide customers with incentives to change return behaviors

Identify inefficiencies in your reverse logistics

Offer better logistics alternatives

Spot unusual return behavior among customers

Measure CO2 emissions saved per return